Saturday, April 13, 2013

Weekend #2

Turkey burger (30g protein, 0g carbs, 5g fat = 160 total calories) with edamame and avocado
Chicken-strawberry salad (bleu cheese, pecans, spring mix salad, with rasp. vinaigrette)
Mashed sweet potato with a little cinnamon, honey, and 1 tsp vanilla. 
Honeycrisp apple with yogurt dip (cinnamon, honey, plain yogurt)
Ginger-Mango Lassi

1 cup chopped mango (I also added blackberries)
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tbsp coconut sugar (or honey)
1/4 c water
Crushed ice
1 tsp ginger*

Mix together in a blender and serve! I added the ginger per the recipe, and although I love ginger, I think 1 tsp was still too much. It was a very strong, almost over-powering flavor and if I make this again, I won't add ginger :)


  1. I'm not a fan of ginger. Coconut is great, and this is screaming for vanilla and pineapple. my opinion.

  2. I like ginger sometimes, but yea, this was too much. I LOVE your idea of coconut, vanilla, and pineapple. Will have to try that when I get more mangoes :)
