Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dig deep!

I created this blog in an attempt to hold myself accountable, and to possibly motivate a few of my friends/followers along the way. Speaking with a lot of my friends, most of us struggle with staying consistent in our workouts and maintaining a healthy, clean diet. I found that the best way to keep myself in check is to photograph everything I eat, write down what I eat in a journal, and document all of my workouts. That way, I know that at the end of the day, I'm going to have to write down whatever I ate. I absolutely hate writing down unhealthy food. It makes me feel like I failed myself, so keeping a food journal actually helps hold myself accountable.

I follow a few fitness celebs and BeachBody coaches on Facebook and Twitter (follow me on Twitter - @KelseyPTieszen - I repost a lot of their posts), and seeing their posts about workouts, recipes, and even motivational quotes each day helps give me a support system and keeps me on track. I figured that if I could help out even a few of my friends to stay motivated with recipes and/or workouts, then maybe creating a blog would be worth it. I thought about creating a new Facebook page, but I didn't want to annoy everyone with my constant posts, so I figured a blog was a good way that people can check back whenever they like, and help give me feedback to keep me accountable.

I think the best way to reach our goals is to help each other. I hope a few of you decide to follow my posts, and that I can help you with motivation to reach your fitness goals. Feel free to leave comments, motivational quotes, questions about recipes, etc. In return, I ask that you help hold me accountable, too, so that we can all get in the best shape of our lives with the support of great friends!

It was about 70 degrees this afternoon, so Bailey bug and I went on a great run on the bike path through the canyon and city park. We were a little tired afterwards. I'm also going to lift tonight, too, so I get both cardio and strength training in today.
(Btw: I love my heart-rate monitor to keep track of my calories, time, and heart-rate. I add the total calories I burn in a day to my journal to compare with my overall calorie intake from food.)

Dinner: Hawaiian chicken, boiled edamame, and baked sweet potatoes with olive oil and sea salt
Run: 51 minutes, ~4.5 miles (running with a puppy is not the most efficient way to run :)
Lift: (high reps) squats, push ups, inverted rows, leg press, lat pulls, box lunges, abs

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